Comprehensive Insights into Peripheral Arterial Disease

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Jesús Francisco Balderrama Conde
Isabel Soto Angulo
Jared Rolando Laborin Dominguez
Luis Fernando Pacheco Córdova
Cesar Antonio Martinez Fernandez


Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a prevalent vascular disorder characterized by the narrowing or obstruction of arteries, predominantly affecting the lower extremities. This bibliographic review explores the multifaceted aspects of PAD, emphasizing epidemiology, significance, and the theoretical framework encompassing its definition, risk factors, pathophysiology, and contemporary management strategies. In this comprehensive analysis, we delve into the intricate interplay of factors contributing to PAD, from the demographic landscape to the molecular intricacies. Despite advancements in therapeutic modalities, the intricate nature of PAD warrants a nuanced understanding for effective clinical intervention. The ensuing discussion navigates through contemporary perspectives on PAD, synthesizing current evidence to inform clinical practice. In conclusion, this review underscores the imperative of a holistic approach in managing PAD, integrating evolving scientific insights with pragmatic clinical considerations.

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How to Cite
Jesús Francisco Balderrama Conde, Isabel Soto Angulo, Jared Rolando Laborin Dominguez, Luis Fernando Pacheco Córdova, & Cesar Antonio Martinez Fernandez. (2023). Comprehensive Insights into Peripheral Arterial Disease. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 3(12), 2938–2941.


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